Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Instructional Strategies

It is no longer feasible to rely solely on traditional lecture and textbook format when educating today’s students. Educating today’s students requires educators to provide students with an authentic and stimulating curriculum that has real world applications. In today’s technologically advanced world, it is imperative that students are given the appropriate tools in order for students to succeed in the high-tech society in which they live.
“Teachers have the awesome task of helping students lay a foundation of technological knowledge and skills that they will build upon for the rest of their lives” (Herndon, n.d., para.3). Teachers also need to do so in a manner that addresses the diverse learning styles of students (visual, auditory and kinesthetic). It is for this reason that educators need to use a variety of instructional strategies in the classroom.
By differentiating the instructional methods and implementing technology, students can meet the curricular objectives by using diverse skills unique to their learning style. For example, a visual learner can complete a report using PowerPoint, an auditory learner could use text to speech to complete a written report, and a kinesthetic learner could create a story board through various software programs. Overall, by ensuring that diversified instructional strategies are being used, educators are ensuring that they are meeting the needs of the diverse needs of their students.

Herndon, S. (n.d.). Technology vs. lecture in classroom guidance lessons. Retrieved from

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